Poverty Situation in Honduras

This page is a compilation of various documents regarding the poverty situation in Honduras.

World Bank Report about Poverty & Equity

Honduras is one of the poorest countries in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region and has faced relatively slow poverty reduction in recent years. According to revised official poverty estimates, based on an updated methodology, an estimated 48.3 percent of Hondurans (around 4.3 million people) lived below the national poverty line in 2018. Meanwhile, an estimated 22.9 percent of Hondurans (around 2 million people) lived below the national extreme poverty line. International headcount estimates for 2018 show that 16.5 percent of the Honduran population lived on less than US$1.90 per day (the international poverty line), the second-highest rate in LAC; and around half (50.3 percent) lived on less than US$5.50 per day (the upper-middle-income global poverty line). In addition, a third of the population lives near the poverty line. It is vulnerable to falling back into poverty, while Honduras' middle class (17 percent) is among the smallest in the region (average of 41 percent). Rural poverty rates increased in the five years up to 2018 amid a deceleration of the labor-intensive agriculture sector and rising consumer prices.

Original Source: https://databank.worldbank.org/data/download/poverty/33EF03BB-9722-4AE2-ABC7-AA2972D68AFE/Global_POVEQ_HND.pdf

Municipal Plan of La Masica

According to the municipal plan of La Masica on page 16, nearly half of the population earns less than one dollar a day. Dan stumbled on this PDF because there was a property for sale in this municipality, and we were considering this land for Mariposa. Although this report is a few years old, the poverty situation remains the same. The COVID lockdown hit the poorest people the most because there was no public transportation during the lockdown. Only those owning a car with a special COVID permit to use the roads, or working from home, could earn money during the lockdown. On top of that, Honduras got two hurricanes with massive floods, which are considered the worst natural disasters in 100 years. Here I am sharing a link with a video where you can see houses flooded until the roof, including a textile factory that was providing 28,000 jobs.

You might think $1 per day is exaggerating; however, many other sources show similar numbers. Here is a video about 3D printed homes in Mexico for people earning $3 per day.

Original Source: https://docplayer.es/51806029-Plan-de-desarrollo-municipal-la-masica-atlantida.html